Sharing beauty with the world and turning my dreams, of traveling to and photographing remote scenery most will never get to see, into reality. I have spent the last years wandering between Alaska and Northwest Arkansas.
An Arkansas native, I spent most of my time in the woods and on the lakes around our home. My mom loved to take pictures, and I fell in love with nature and photography at a young age. When my wife and I started dating, I mentioned that I wanted one of those cameras that I could change the lenses on. At the time I didn’t even know what type of camera that was. She gave me the gift of my first DSLR camera and I immersed myself in learning, improving, and sharing photography.
The mountains call my soul, water soothes it. I am in my realm when surrounded by both, camera in hand. Freehearted, I am continually seeking new experiences, places, beauty and knowledge. Whether you found my page through your experience with me on a photography tour in Alaska, or you stumbled across it another way, I am so glad you’re here. Thank you for joining me on this journey and for allowing me to share my passion for photography and beauty with you.
“Beauty is meaningless until it is shared.” ~George Orwell

Tour guide in Denali, AlaskaÂ
When presented the opportunity to live and work in Alaska my first thought was, “We can’t move to Alaska!” It was a lifelong dream that I almost missed out on by thinking the timing wasn’t right. The timing of dream fulfillment is rarely when we think it should be. Thankfully, I didn’t let all the what ifs get in the way, the Alaska chapter of my life has been incredibly rewarding. My Alaska adventure includes working for the awesome owners of Denali Photo Guides, guiding helicopter and land tours.
I enjoy working as a guide, helping guests experience the incredible beauty of remote Alaska, teaching them skills to improve their photography, no matter what camera they are working with—including their cell phone camera. I am constantly learning and enhancing my skills to be a better guide, photographer, and teacher.